
* bp = big problems *

* Arnold, this is our last hope. You have to go to the past and prevent the British Petroleum founder to ever being born. His name is William Knox D'Arcy, this is a picture of his mother Elizabeth.


* sex in the desert *

* After watching the Sex and the City 2 yesterday, I really pray for that producers will not even start thinking about making the number three. 140 minutes of extremely pathetic spectacle, that was it - nothing more, nothing less. I don't even understand why the movie was called Sex and the CITY as the NY City and its amazing atmosphere was replaced by boring Abu Dabi 20* luxurious hotel and camels in the desert. It was really sad to see how did the great serial ended up. The only moment I enjoyed were the flashbacks at the beginning of the movie when Carrie recalls how she met Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. After that - 2 hours of pain and agony.
