
* beijing 2008 *

* In the name of ensuring stability and harmony in the country during the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese Government continues to detain and harass political activists, journalists, lawyers and human rights workers.

* Amnesty International: Rings
* Get involved: www.amnesty.sk


* music harvest in prague*

25/09/07 21:00 Peter Lipa (Lucerna Music Bar)
14/10/07 19:30 Zion Train (Roxy)
20/10/07 20:00 Extasy of Saint Theresa (Palác Akropolis)
02/11/07 20:00 Roisin Murphy (Roxy)
06/11/07 19:30 Kosheen (Roxy)
07/11/07 19:30 Transglobal Underground (Roxy)
13/11/07 19:30 Bonobo Live Band (Roxy)



* my beer told me to .. *

* Anti-drinking campaign, which became a hit.
Check the website :: HERE ::


* discworld : hogfather the movie *

* For those of you who know Terry Pratchett`s book..
And YES, I have the movie