
* everything or nothing *

* Viem, čo je tvoja diagnóza. Máš prechladnuté srdce. Postupne sa ti do toho srdca dostávam. Pomaly. Pomaličky. A keď som tam už skoro celá, tvoje srdce si kýchne. Aby kúsok zo mňa vyletel späť do sveta.
Do tvojho srdca sa nikdy celá nedostanem. Vždy mi budú trčat nohy v teniskách.
* I know your diagnosis. Your heart has caught chill. Step by step, I`m getting inside your heart. Slowly. Very slowly. When I`m almost there, your heart will sneeze. And piece of me flies into the universe.
I won`t get inside your heart, not whole. My feet in sneekers will be sticking out all the time.

- Eva Urbaníková : Všetko alebo nič / Everything or Nothing

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