
* micakova.ic.cz *

* I am currently working on master thesis, the theme is "Social Networking. Focused on Blogging and Wiki." If you will be interested, check this webpage where I publish the paper recently. Link to this web to be found under SN.BLOG.WIKI in link list.


* bambulka *

* Let me introduce you new member of our family. Her name is Alma Si E`ilama aka Bambulka - Rhodesian Ridgeback. Bambulka was born on 27/Feb/08 and will join us in one month.


* breaking off? *

* You might noticed I do not write so often anymore. The reason is I am working on my Master thesis at the moment; it is time consuming, I had not so much spare time last weeks and I am afraid I will not have couple of following weeks yet :[
* I would like to apologize and just hope you will keep favor to this blog. I will try to keep posting occasionally.
* Thanks a lot!